2nd Annual Vancouver Island Oxford and Cambridge Society Family Picnic

Dear VIOCS Members:

As an alumnus/a living on Vancouver Island, we thought you might be interested to know about the Family Picnic event of the Vancouver Island branch of the official Oxford and Cambridge alumni association, VIOCS.

Date:  10 August 2013

Time: 3:00 to 8:00pm

Venue:   Metchosin Farm (owned by Fiona Hamersley Chambers, Linacre 1998), 542 Wootton Road (near the corner of  Happy Valley and Metchosin Roads) in Metchosin [click this link for Map]

Metchosin Farm specializes in organic vegetables and fruits including heirloom tomatoes (60+ varieties) and soft fruits (17+ varieties), as well as Native plants. The farm stand will be open and Fiona and her young boys will be happy to show you the gardens.

Cost:  Free to all members, children and guests.  Ice cream will be served, compliments of VIOCS, so please R.S.V.P. so that we have some idea of the numbers.  Adult drinks will be available at a small charge.

Bring:  something to barbeque and something to share (salad, fruit, baked goods), as well as a chair


In addition to the opportunity to meet other Oxbridge alumni, you and your family are invited to participate in games of badminton, croquet, and horseshoes.  Oxford and Cambridge will also be vying for the coveted “Dolly Cup,” awarded to the highest scorer of the “Aunt Sally” tournament.  You are also welcome to do absolutely nothing.

Let us know if you need help with transportation. Contact [email protected] or call Dorothy Kennedy (Exeter 1997) at 250-384-4544 and we’ll try to assist.


We’d love to stay in touch if you are interested in hearing about our future events. If you would prefer not to be contacted by VIOCS by email in future, please contact [email protected] with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” to have your record amended.

Please see our website “VIOCS.CA” for information on our future events and reports on the highly successful events of last year.

Vancouver Island Oxford and Cambridge Society