Canada’s Own Crisis: 14 November 2012 Talk and Lunch

Invitation to VIOCS Members:

The VIOCS organizing committee invites you to register for a Wednesday,  November 14th talk by Harry Swain, author of Oka: a Political Crisis and Its Legacy, nominated for the 2010/2011 Donner Prize for the best book on Canadian Public Policy.  A light lunch will be served.


Canada’s Aboriginal Crisis Called Oka

In 1990, a land dispute between residents of Oka, Quebec, and the Mohawk community of Kanesatake, led to a 78-day standoff between Mohawks and Quebec police and Canadian troops that shocked the nation.  Harry Swain was deputy minister of Indian Affairs throughout the affair, and his recounting of those events is dramatic and opinionated.  In Oka, Swain writes of his own role and offers rare insight into the workings of government in a time of crisis.  On 14th November, Harry will enlighten VIOCS members with tales from this time and will discuss the rapid and far-reaching changes in public policy regarding Canada’s Native peoples that have been stimulated by the Charter, the courts, and an increasingly-vocal First Nations’ polity.  Nevertheless, Swain says, Aboriginal affairs in Canada continue to be in difficulty.

Come join Harry and fellow-VIOCS members for lunch and hear Harry Swain’s views on how Canada can reconcile this shameful situation.



The Begbie Room, Victoria Union Club, 805 Gordon Street, at noon, November 14th, 2012.

Lunch: “Build Your Own Sandwich,” salads, dessert squares, beverage

Cost of this event is $30.00. Please register at [email protected]. Attendance is limited to 50.

We hope to hear from you by Friday, November 9th, 2012.  Please mail your cheque in the amount of $30.00 made out to Brian Scarfe, our treasurer, and NOT to VIOCS, as follows: Dr. Brian Scarfe, Suite 416, 21 Dallas Road, Victoria, BC, V8V 4Z9.